Portland Pozzolana Cement

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General purpose Portland pozzolana cement is known and found all over the world. A mix of crushed clinker and gypsum to fulfill the requirements of the standard specifications ES 4756-1/2022 and EN 197-1/2011.
Masonry Cement Mixes Portland Cement Clinker, Inorganic Constituents, and Gypsum to Fulfill the Requirements of The Standard Specifications of En 413/1-2011.
Sulphates-resistant cement is recommended for use in concrete exposed to large sulphate levels. The cement’s sulphate resistance is due to its low tri-calcium aluminate (C3A) content. Applications Concrete works subjected to aggressive soils or ground water and where high Sulphate exposure is expected. It is also suitable for foundation work. Sewage works Precast sewage water pipes and manholes